Span Featured in ForbesLife

Abraham Brewster, Span, 2004. Oil on canvas; 28 x 96 inches

Span is featured in a leading article in ForbesLife magazine, "In with the Art Crowd." Many thanks to Jonathan Neil and Franklin Boyd at Boyd Level for introducing me to the author, Mark Grischke:

... and painter Abraham Brewster whose layered glazes give his canvases the depth of color one sees in Renaissance art... [Span] spoke to me, loud and clear, and I hated leaving it. This immediacy is part of contemporary art's appeal.

I will post a link to the article as soon as it becomes available. Span is visible on the 2004 page.

Update: Here is a picture of the article.

Abraham Brewster - Span in ForbesLife

Update #2:The article has now been posted online.